Saturday, August 16, 2008


Changes are necessary if I want to grow. I've learned a lot here about all kinds of things... and I'm thankful for every single thing!
I'm leaving soon and it makes me sad. Why? That's the question I've asked myself a hundred times. Why do I feel as strong about leaving as I do right now?
I've learned that I can adapt very fast to different people and a new environment, and I get very attached to these people.
Not being alone is essential for me to be happy. Being surrounded by others that like me makes me confident. My happyness is built on what people think of me.
Often this is my one and only goal - being accepted and loved by others!
If people don't like me, criticise me or just don't care I feel small and very unsure. My whole self-assurance depends on other people.
I realized that and it makes me sad. I believe that God exists and that He loves me with a love that no human being can ever give me. I believe that He looks at me with loving eyes even when everybody else turns away. That's the love and acceptance I want to built on and that's what I want to depend on! I don't say it's bad if people like me, but I don't want to be controlled by that.
Maybe a change is necessary... maybe some time away from people, just me and God... maybe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex, ich weiß net, wie ich die Einstellung ändern kann, dass du das sehen kannst, wenn bei mir ein neuer Eintrag ist....sorry
Kommsch ja bald, dann kannst dus machen ;-)
Love, die Lenny